Ash Green

Ash Green

Community Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Subjects
  3. Science

At Ash Green Community Primary School, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects taught in Primary Schools, we aim to give the teaching and learning of Science the distinction it requires. We follow the White Rose Education Scheme of Learning for Science from Year One through to Year Six, with Reception following a more topic-based approach linked to Development Matters. The curriculum teaches practical approaches to Science in a fun and logical way. Progression in Science is carefully designed through a small step approach where pupils gain core knowledge around Scientific vocabulary, Working Scientifically skills and gathering and interpreting evidence.


We use half termly Knowledge Organisers in Early Years and unit-based Front Covers and Learning Journeys in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two to support the clear development of skills and knowledge throughout our school. These Front Covers identify key knowledge and skills for each discrete Science unit and are shared with all stakeholders, including on SeeSaw and Evidence Me, online learning platforms to maximise home-school learning opportunities, and encourage parents and carers to take an active role in their child’s learning.


All pupils, regardless of demographic, are provided with the resources, information and skills required to conduct safe, practical investigations based on their own questions and observations using various methods. SEND pupils are supported in various ways conducive to their specific learning strengths and needs. We aim to provide pupils with a conceptual understanding of the strands of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Pupils are encouraged to work as cooperative team during scientific experiments, and they are provided with the tools and strategies that will enable them to achieve this goal.


As the school serves a community where there is a high percentage of disadvantaged pupils, we provide activities that children may not otherwise experience in order to spark scientific curiosity and develop a thirst to learn new things, whilst making links with prior learning.  We have therefore designed a learning experience to include formal learning opportunities, memorable experiences, visits, visitors, events and enrichment activities that take place both inside and outside of the classroom through both tangible and virtual means.  




Below is a brief summary of the implementation of the Science curriculum at Ash Green. Please refer to the Science Policy and Scheme of Work for a thorough break down of how the Science Curriculum is implemented at Ash Green from Early Years to Year 6.


At the beginning of a typical Science lesson across Key Stage One and Two, prior knowledge that pupils have acquired in previous units of study is thoughtfully drawn upon in ‘Flashback Four’s’. Key vocabulary that is required for that lesson is modelled by the teacher and explicitly introduced so that pupils may use these subject-specific words correctly and in context throughout the lesson and in consolidating tasks. We understand the importance for children, especially in Early Years and Key Stage One, to have access to first-hand learning opportunities through outdoor exploration and observation. We provide these opportunities with our thoughtfully designed outdoor provisions in Early Years and include plenty of opportunity for learning to extend beyond the classroom and into the local natural environment with several nature walks for pupils in Key Stage One.


Pupils, particularly in Key Stage Two, are provided differentiated opportunities to consolidate and conclude their learning with short written tasks at the end of most practical investigation-based lessons; consequently, written or verbal feedback is then provided to address misconceptions, deepen understanding and/or assist pupils to make connections between multiple scientific concepts or valuable links to other subjects. Within these written tasks, pupils are encouraged and supported to use the appropriate and applicable key vocabulary and by summarising the key concepts in their own words, skills are more likely to become embedded in their long-term memory.


We believe it is important to our pupils at Ash Green to be exposed to, and engage with, a plethora of culture-rich experiences related to Science. This is achieved in a number of ways, such as: inviting ‘STEM ambassadors’ through the STEM association or other community experts into school to enhance or assist with specific lessons, assemblies or provide unit-specific workshops. As a school we run several exciting Science-based activities during British Science week; careers in the STEM field are highlighted during this week and home-learning opportunities though competitions and challenges are frequently set. ‘Scientist of the Term’ certificates are awarded to pupils termly from each year group that have excelled in a particular aspect of their learning. Teachers are encouraged to book one trip per year to a scientific venue. Our teachers are encouraged and provided with the tools and time necessary to improve their knowledge and practical competence in Science by having access to CPD videos that cover every area of the National Curriculum, participating in monitoring meetings three times per year to assess and evaluate the teaching of Science, the resources as well as the progression of Scientific skills across school. Science managers analyse pupil progress in Science each term through assessment data analysis, book scrutiny, pupil interviews and learning walks.



The successful approach to Science at Ash Green results in an engaging, memorable, enjoyable high-quality Science education, that provides pupils with the foundations for understanding the natural world. Pupils’ engagement with the local environment ensures that pupils learn through varied and direct experiences, which spark their natural curiosity. Where appropriate, learning takes place outdoors so pupils may develop and articulate their own questions, build knowledge and familiarity about their immediate natural surroundings. Through various workshops, trips and engagement with experts in a variety of scientific fields, our pupils develop the understanding that Science has impacted and will continue to impact our daily lives and that this subject of study is vital to the future prosperity of humankind. We raise ambitions and dreams of our pupils by providing opportunities for children to learn about the possibilities of various STEM careers by the involvement of community experts as well as the engaging British Science week activities we provide. We utilise pupil voice as a means to further develop our Science curriculum. Subsequently, through the questioning of pupils’ views and opinions we garner a better understanding of the larger picture of Science at Ash Green and how we can further ensure both the children’s continued enjoyment of Science as well as the high standards in Science across the school for all pupils.


Leaders in school, including the Science Manager regularly measure the impact of our Science curriculum through Deep Dives and the monitoring of teaching and learning, assessment and on-going self-review. We survey staff, pupils and parents, undertake learning walks, carry out both formal and informal monitoring in order to sample typicality, and also scrutinise samples of work produced by pupils both in school, as well as remotely. We have an established system of Governor review with a Standards and Effectiveness Committee who oversee our curriculum. Governors on this committee receive regular reports, and discussions are held at this committee meeting on successes and upcoming priorities. Based on monitoring and Deep Dives, clear next step priorities for Science are agreed as part of a Science action plan. The impact will be that our pupils will be academically prepared for the next phase of their education, are motivated to succeed and achieve, and are equipped with all the personal skills to do this.

See our Knowledge Organisers and Front Covers below.


Policy and Scheme of Work

 Science Scheme of Work and Progression - March 2024.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2


 Autumn 2 Nursery.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Nursery.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Nursery.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 Nursery.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4
 Autumn 1 Reception.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 Reception.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Reception.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Reception.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 Reception.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Year 1

 Y1 Front Cover - Autumn - The human body.pdfDownload
 Y1 Front Cover - Autumn 2 - Seasonal Changes.pdfDownload
 Y1 Front Cover - spring1 - animals 24.pdfDownload
 Y1 Front Cover - Summer 1 - trees and plants.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Year 2

 000- Front Cover - Summer - Bulbs and Seeds.pdfDownload
 000- Front Cover - Summer - Growing Up.pdfDownload
 001 Front Cover - Autumn - Animals' needs for survival.pdfDownload
 001 Front Cover - Autumn - Materials.pdfDownload
 001 Front Cover - Spring - Living things and their habitats.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Year 3

 Y3 - Front cover - Spring 2.pdfDownload
 Y3 - Front Cover - Summer 1.pdfDownload
 Y3 - Front Cover - Summer 2.pdfDownload
 Y3 - Front Cover - Autumn 1.pdfDownload
 Y3 - Front Cover - Autumn 2.pdfDownload
 Y3 - Front cover - Spring 1.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Year 4

 01. Front Cover - Autumn 1 - Group and Classify Living Things.pdfDownload
 02. Front Cover - Autumn 2 - States of Matter.pdfDownload
 03. Front Cover - Spring 1 - Sound.pdfDownload
 04. Front Cover - Spring 2 - Electricity.pdfDownload
 05. Front Cover - Summer 1 - The digestive system.pdfDownload
 06. Front Cover - Summer 2 - Habitats and Food Chains.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Year 5

 001 - Forces Front Cover - Autumn 1.pdfDownload
 002 - Space Front Cover - Autumn 2.pdfDownload
 003 - Properties of Materials Front Cover - Spring 1.pdfDownload
 004 - Animals Including Humans Front Cover - Spring 2.pdfDownload
 005 - Life Cycles Front Cover - Summer 1.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Year 6

 000. Knowledge Organiser - Autumn 1.pdfDownload
 000. Knowledge Organiser - Autumn 2.pdfDownload
 000. Knowledge Organiser - Spring 1.pdfDownload
 000. Knowledge Organiser - Spring 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4